Friday, March 30, 2012

March 30, 2012

Month: March (Water) - Pisces The Dreamer
Day: 5th Friday (Earth) - Taurus The Warrior

Capricorn The Beginner (Water) [January]: 

It is a good time for you to think about plans to bring yourself into a better place in life. You are The Beginner,  the one who is always stable thinking about ascending to a higher place in life. It is not a good time for action, but it is a great time to think about plans for stability, abundance, and expression of personality.

Aquarius The Leaner (Water) [February]:

It is a good time for you to think about learning something new. The energy of Taurus The Warrior is influencing the day, which rules ego and stability. It is a good time to think about learning something new which will bring you into a state of stability. This may even be a good time to think about taking a class for a future good.

Pisces The Dreamer (Water) [March]:

It is your month. It is a good time for you to think about standing out. The energy of Taurus The Warrior is supporting you. Make sure you do not act to fast before planning things out carefully.

Aries The Athlete (Earth) [April]:

Today, Taurus The Warrior is supporting you with the element of earth. This month is really about planning and introspection, so if you are having problems with finding stability in your life at this point in time, now is the time to think about it. While your element of wind is supporting you. Talk about the plans that you are making for your self-experience or stability to others, it'll help you get insight.

Taurus The Warrior (Earth) [May]:

Today is a great day for you to get up and treat yourself. This is your day. You may have been more contemplative than usual but today is a great day to take a rest and do something for yourself. 

Gemini The Artist (Earth) [June]:

Today is a great day for you to think about the way that you present yourself to the world. Think about what you can do to make yourself even more attractive and more self-expressive. The energy of Taurus The Warrior is supporting you.

Cancer The Friend (Fire) [July]:

Today is a great day for you to examine your relationships in life. Think about whether you are being treated fairly or not. Think about whether it is time for you to let some relationships go or give more attention to others. It is a great time for you to think about how the relationships in your life feel to you.

Leo The Actor (Fire) [August]:

Today is a great day for you to have personal time. Spend time by yourself, watch a movie at home, or go to a cafe or restaurant by yourself, do something for you and get in touch with all of your thoughts and feelings. There may be things that you weren't aware of with Taurus The Warrior will help bring to light today.

Virgo The Fanatic (Fire) [September]:
It is a good time for you to think about all of your good qualities and love yourself for it. Learn to play by your strengths and you will have much success in life. Let go of your analyzing of the world today and focus on yourself for now.

Libra The Speaker (Wind) [October]:

If you think that you are being treated unfairly, it is time for you to really think about the evidence to see if this is actually true or not. If it is, it is time for you to speak up for yourself. The energy of Taurus The Warrior will give you the extra courage to do so. 

Scorpio The Changer (Wind) [November]:

It is time for you to think about what you want to change in order to benefit yourself. It is important to be sympathetic towards others and to think about how your plans may effect them. If you are changing things to benefit yourself and no one is getting hurt, have fun. If they are, it is time for you to rethink your plans and find an alternative way to do things.

Sagittarius The Explorer (Wind) [December]:

Today is a great day for letting your heart guide you. It is time for you to explore the ideas that you want to explore. Do not let the fear of others stop you. Think about what they are saying and if they are overreacting just understand that it is just concern, that is all. 

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